Go-getter April: Week 2

Welcome to week 2!

For the past week I have been:

Waking up between 7-8am and studying

Making and drinking smoothies

Using my sewing machine for the first time since I got it


Planning future blog posts

Spending time with my nieces and nephew

Creating a to-do lists for each of the subjects I study

Ticking things off my todo lists

Re-organising my closet

The past week I’ve been feeling great simply because I feel like I have finally established a good balance between study and ‘play’!

Also I actually kind of like studying!!!! (sort of). Its not that bad once you get into the routine of it; for me that means starting in the morning for a couple of hours, then doing smaller amounts throughout the day.

Everything else I have gotten up to over the past week has been pretty chilled but still add something to my journey of taking on the go-getter lifestyle.

When I think of the word go-getter, my initial thought is some action-packed, fast-paced life. In reality, I believe a go getter is a person who makes a conscious effort to go after what they want, no matter how small.


XO lmg